2 EURO CATER SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Contents PAGE 3 Introduction by the management PAGE 4 About Euro Cater PAGE 8 Our sustainability strategy PAGE 10 Our contribution to the UN goals PAGE 12 Sustainable trading Food safety Supply chain management Sustainable product range PAGE 18 Sustainable operations Climate Transport Waste and food waste PAGE 26 Sustainable workplace Health and safety Competence development Corporate governance PAGE 31 Results, goals and aspirations PAGE 38 Stakeholders PAGE 40 Risk analysis and materiality analysis SIDE 42 SDG reporting PAGE 43 ESG reporting PAGE 44 KPI definitions PAGE 47 Company profile Published by: Euro Cater Holding A/S CVR no. 42899194 Vidalsvej 6 DK-9230 Svenstrup www.euro-cater.com In addition to serving as Euro Cater’s annual CSR report, this report serves as our statutory CSR report pursuant to section 99 of the Danish Financial Statements Act (Årsregnskabsloven) and section 10 of the Swedish Annual Accounts Act (Årsredovisningslågen). See page 47, where changes in the group structure of relevance to the sustainability report are mentioned.
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